Cuddles That Nurture The Heart

Blaze the Bear

Blaze Bear is a very responsible little animal. He/She sticks to the rules, does every task correctly and perfectly, and makes sure his/her friends and family do the same.

Blaze reminds us that we are good and do what is right.

Shop for Blaze
What does Blaze like?

self-improving toys and books

What are Blaze's favorite gifts?

games, puzzles, and spelling flashcards

Kiwi the Kangaroo

Kiwi Kangaroo is very loving and affectionate and is often considered as “mom’s little helper.” Kiwi gets his/her needs met by helping others, yet secretly wishes their affection would be reciprocated, especially from their mom.

Kiwi reminds us that we are loved and wanted for who we are.

Shop for Kiwi
What does Kiwi like?

toys that need tending or that celebrate friendships

What are Kiwi's favorite gifts?

dress-up dolls, toy ponies, tea sets, and friendship bracelets

Foxy the Fox

Foxy Fox is a shining star in the family who wants to shine his/her brilliance on the world and gain approval for their achievements, especially from his/her father.

Foxy reminds us that we are loved for who we are, not what we do.

Shop for Foxy
What does Foxy like?

the latest trends in toys and clothing

What are Foxy's favorite gifts?

stuffed animals, action figures, graphic tees, and sneakers

Kitty the Cat

Kitty Cat is very artistic, emotional, and dramatic. He/She wants to be seen as unique and different and often feels misunderstood.

Kitty reminds us that we are seen for our true selves.

Shop for Kitty
What does Kitty like?

anything creative, unique, or imaginative

What are Kitty's favorite gifts?

mermaids, dinosaurs, dress-up outfits, painting sets, and mosaic kits

Tully the Turtle

Tully Turtle is considered the “little professor” who likes gathering information by himself/herself. Tully enjoys playing alone or with one friend, rather than playing in a group or team sport.

Tully reminds us that it is ok to withdraw and still be loved.

Shop for Tully
What does Tully like?

informative and independent activities

What are Tully's favorite gifts?

puzzles, board games, and interactive books/lessons

Dozer the Dog

Dozer Dog is conscientious, loyal, reliable, cautious, and likes to play the Devil’s Advocate.

Dozer reminds us to trust ourselves.

Shop for Dozer
What does Dozer like?

animals, solving problems, and games that aren’t too frightening

What are Dozer's favorite gifts?

pet toys, construction sets, building blocks, and robots

Mango the Monkey

Mango Monkey is energetic, fun, and enthusiastic. He/She is the one who can’t sit still, is always seeking adventure, and gets bored easily.

Mango reminds us that we are loved and will be taken care of.

Shop for Mango
What does Mango like?

stimulating, yet fun toys and activities

What are Mango's favorite gifts?

ball games, pool toys, bikes, and frisbees

Lux the Lion

Lux Lion is strong, bold, and assertive. He/She is the one who is demanding and in control of the playground.

Lux reminds us that it is ok to be vulnerable and show the gentle side of ourselves.

Shop for Lolly
What does Lux like?

toys that allow him/her to show his/her power and physical strength

What are Lux's favorite gifts?

clothing and equipment for competitive outdoor games and sports

Elfie the Elephant

Elfie Elephant is easy-going and avoids conflict. He/She is the one who “goes along to get along” and wants everyone to always be peaceful.

Elfie reminds us that we matter.

Shop for Elfie
What does Elfie like?

toys where he/she can be supportive and helpful

What are Elfie's favorite gifts?

stickers, puzzles, stuffed animals, and stationery sets