Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
1. Heartcuddles Bright Blaze the Bear

1. Heartcuddles Bright Blaze the Bear

Number one heartcuddle style is Bright Blaze. Bright Blaze want to be good and are responsible, fair, and honest. They are like the North Star, shining their light for everyone to follow, which gives meaning to their life. Bright Blaze believe that life would be better if everyone followed the rules and became a “goody two shoes.”

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Picture of a mama kangaroo carrying a basket with a joey in her pouch. Blue hearts around her face.

2. Heartcuddles Caring Kiwi the Kangaroo

Number two heartcuddle style is Caring Kiwi. Kiwis are loving, helpful “people pleasers” who need to be needed. They adore social interaction and have a wide circle of friends. These children thrive on helping their parents and others in order to garnish praise and attention, which often leads them to being “the teacher’s pet.” Kiwi Kangaroos know that if they help out and don’t ask for much, they will be acknowledged and rewarded, which leads them to believe that having their own needs is bad and selfish, deserving of punishment, while pleasing others is rewarded.

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3. Heartcuddles Fabulous Foxy the Fox

3. Heartcuddles Fabulous Foxy the Fox

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Number three heartcuddle style is Fabulous Foxy. Foxes are ambitious, competitive, high achieving, and determined to excel at everything they attempt. Like the Kiwi Kangaroos, they are often the teacher’s pet because their good behavior is rewarded with praise. They thrive on accomplishing and achieving, often choosing activities that earn them the most accolades, rather than activities they enjoy, because they believe that is what makes them worthy of praise and love.  Foxes are always busy, working to earn that “atta boy” (or girl). As they get older, this focus on doing what gets them the most praise can lead them to burn out and become unconscious to what they truly want to do in life.

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4. Heartcuddles Creative Kitty the Cat

4. Heartcuddles Creative Kitty the Cat

Number Four heartcuddle style is Creative Kitty. Creative Kitties are creative, sensitive, and dramatic with a vivid imagination. They are happy when they are expressing themselves creatively by doing unique activities such as dying their hair purple, dressing in vintage clothing or getting involved in an artistic pursuit. When they are playing their favorite superhero, they become that persona in all ways possible and become frustrated when they are unable to “transform” as their superhero does. This uniqueness can cause them to feel excluded, as if they don’t belong within the family and are intrinsically flawed, leading them to try even harder to be special in some way.

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5. Heartcuddles Thoughtful Tully the Turtle

5. Heartcuddles Thoughtful Tully the Turtle

Number five heartcuddle style is Thoughtful Tully, aka “The Little Professor. Tullys are curious, intelligent, and love to learn new things. They are logical and observant, always collecting data, with a need to learn how things work, from race cars to video games to computers. These children tend to prefer to play alone and entertain themselves, yet are not against playing with others, as long as it is on their terms. They take life in stride, learning and progressing at their own pace. They may not learn to ride a bike until they’re twelve, or may shun swimming lessons until they’re an adult, yet they are academically at the top of their class. Curious and independent, they have no problems with focusing on their studies or reading a book, or learning the public bus schedule even though they don’t ride the bus. Social skills do not always come easy to them as they are looking for the logic in things and people don’t always react logically; however, their ability to observe and analyze data, applying it to social interactions, along with their innate sense of humor, will help them to work out social issues as they grow and mature.

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6. Heartcuddles Dashing Dozer the Dog

6. Heartcuddles Dashing Dozer the Dog

Number six heartcuddle style is Dashing Dozer. Dozer kids are loyal, sensible, compassionate, and responsible, while also being a bit of a worry wart. It can be hard for them to make decisions because they spend so much time worrying about what could go wrong. They can be a mixture of opposites, e.g. the conformist and the rebel, or the believer and the doubter. One minute they can be fighting with one child and the next rebelling against a different one. Dozers can be very courageous, yet authoritarian, causing them to often find themselves in leadership roles. Lighthearted and affectionate, Dozers make very loyal friends and are often popular on the playground despite sometimes being quite prickly and reactive. You’ll find your Dozer trying hard to do things correctly, not because they want to do the right thing, but because they are afraid of disaster if they don’t.

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7. Heartcuddles Magnetic Mango the Monkey

7. Heartcuddles Magnetic Mango the Monkey

Number seven heartcuddle style is Magnetic Mango. Mangoes are idealistic children who laugh a lot, enjoy new friends, stimulation and fun experiences, and are generally upbeat and energetic. If you are not a Mango yourself, their energy levels can be exhausting. Mangoes, who get bored easily, try to keep busy in order to avoid their feelings, especially during difficult times. Fearful of conflict, these children do their best to avoid it by using their charm and guile to deflect it. These bright children do not like limits imposed on them and can be excitable with short attention spans. One of their greatest fears is missing out on a fun activity, which can exacerbate their insecurities. These are the children that are always on the go, who can’t sit still, and who talk incessantly, yet they are popular and always looking for the next amusement.

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8. Heartcuddles Large Lux the Lion

8. Heartcuddles Large Lux the Lion

Number eight heartcuddle style is confident Large Lux. Lux children tend to be natural leaders who are strong-willed, confident, fearless, and have huge hearts. They are easily spotted on the playground as they’re the child in charge. Their powerful natural leadership skills are on full display and not always in the rule-following way.

With their “in your face personalities,” Lions can’t and won’t be ignored. As a “protective challenger,” a Lion’s desire is to be strong and energetic, and to protect themselves from their fear of being challenged, controlled, or manipulated.

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9. Heartcuddles Easy-going Elfie the Elephant

9. Heartcuddles Easy-going Elfie the Elephant

Number nine heartcuddle style is Easy-going Elfie. Elfie children exhibit traits of being calm, patient, and forgiving. They thrive in a structured routine and tend to avoid conflicts. Known for their unselfconscious nature, humor, creativity, and vivid imagination, Elfies can easily blend in with their peers. They may have diverse interests, but often do not delve deeply into any particular one. Elfies have a natural inclination to see the bright side of situations, even in challenging times. However, their quiet and peaceful demeanor may sometimes lead them to experience a "middle child syndrome," feeling overshadowed by an accomplished older sibling or a demanding younger one.

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