Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
4. Heartcuddles Creative Kitty the Cat

4. Heartcuddles Creative Kitty the Cat

4. Heartcuddles Creative Kitty the Cat

Number Four personality style is Creative Kitty Cat. Kitty Cats are creative, sensitive, and dramatic with a vivid imagination. They are happy when they are expressing themselves creatively by doing unique activities such as dying their hair purple, dressing in vintage clothing, or getting involved in an artistic pursuit. When they are playing their favorite superhero, they become that persona in all ways possible and become frustrated when they are unable to “transform” as their superhero does. This uniqueness can cause them to feel excluded, as if they don’t belong within the family and are intrinsically flawed, leading them to try even harder to be special in some way.

With so much passion inside them, Kitty Cats can have a hard time with disappointment and will express their strong feelings through temper tantrums and meltdowns, even when it seems minor to you. Yet, that same passion allows them to become focused on one activity or person to the exclusion of anything else. Kitty cats can be nostalgic, at times yearning for someone or something in their past, while also feeling like happiness is always just over the hill.

Common personality traits of Kitty Cats include:

  • Creativity 
  • Vivid imagination - never bored
  • Authentic and open minded
  • Compassionate and sensitive
  • They value aesthetics
  • Eager to please

As a parent, you can help your Kitty Cat grow socially and emotionally by encouraging their creativity while allowing them space to express their emotions. Because Kitty Cats need time to consolidate and regenerate, it is important to understand their need for time out by giving them a place where they can decompress safely. When they appear to be over-reacting to a disappointment, understand their depth of feeling and help them learn self-calming techniques. Allow them to be free to be their true selves by listening to them attentively and without judgment while encouraging the idea that they don’t need to find ways to be unique, because they are already special to you and others. To help them build a stronger sense of self-worth, support their natural desire to care for others by spending time with a grandparent or serving in the community.

Examples of popular characters that share personality traits with Kitty Cats are Duchess the Cat in Disney's Aristocats and Remy the Rat in Pixar’s Ratatouille.

Help your Kitty the Cat child feel seen and loved with our fun positive affirmation products such as Pillow Shams, Spiral Notebook, Todders T-shirts, and more.

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