Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
5. Heartcuddles Thoughtful Tully the Turtle

5. Heartcuddles Thoughtful Tully the Turtle

5. Heartcuddles Thoughtful Tully the Turtle

Number five personality style is Tully the Turtle, aka “The Little Professor.” Tullys are curious, intelligent, and love to learn new things. They are logical and observant, always collecting data, with a need to learn how things work, from race cars to video games to computers. These children tend to prefer to play alone and entertain themselves, yet are not against playing with others, as long as it is on their terms. They take life in stride, learning and progressing at their own pace. They may not learn to ride a bike until they’re twelve, or may shun swimming lessons until they’re an adult, yet they are academically at the top of their class. Curious and independent, they have no problems with focusing on their studies or reading a book, or learning the public bus schedule even though they don’t ride the bus. Social skills do not always come easy to them as they are looking for the logic in things and people don’t always react logically; however, their ability to observe and analyze data, applying it to social interactions, along with their innate sense of humor, will help them to work out social issues as they grow and mature.

Personality traits that Tully the Turtles normally exhibit include:

  • Academically successful 
  • Innovative 
  • Funny 
  • Curious and independent 
  • Ability to focus
  • They are their own person 
  • Kind and empathetic

Parents of Tully the Turtle children can help them grow socially and emotionally by acknowledging their achievements, reinforcing competence, and accepting their individuality and idiosyncratic behaviors. It’s important to give them reasons for decisions because they need to know why something is not allowed, so “because I said so,” is not going to help a Tully understand and accept your “no” answer. Since Tullys do not pick up on subtleties, be very clear and concise when giving them instructions or feedback. Encourage interaction with fair and reasonable limits, while accepting their introversion without judgment. Tullys have very strong feelings and need your help to understand them and learn how to express these feelings while connecting to others. When giving feedback or instructions to your Tully, give them time to consider what was said to them without expecting instant responses. Remember that Tullys are so much “in their heads” that they don’t even notice their bodies and it is up to you to help them connect with their bodies. Because they often fear that there is not enough to go around, Tullys have a tendency to hoard, so be sure to show them there is abundance in life. And always make it clear to them that their differences are not wrong or bad and that you love them just as they are.

An example of a well known Tully in real life is Bill Gates and in fiction, Sherlock Holmes.

Help your Tully the Turtle child feel seen and loved with our colorful products such as: Kids Shower Curtain, Youth Joggers, Children's Pajama Pants, and more.

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