Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
6. Heartcuddles Dashing Dozer the Dog

6. Heartcuddles Dashing Dozer the Dog

6. Heartcuddles Dashing Dozer the Dog

Number six personality style is Dozer the Dog. Dozer kids are loyal, sensible, compassionate, and responsible, while also being a bit of a worry wart. It can be hard for them to make decisions because they spend so much time worrying about what could go wrong. They can be a mixture of opposites, e.g. the conformist and the rebel, or the believer and the doubter. One minute they can be fighting with one child and the next rebelling against a different one. Dozers can be very courageous, yet authoritarian, causing them to often find themselves in leadership roles. Lighthearted and affectionate, Dozers make very loyal friends and are often popular on the playground despite sometimes being quite prickly and reactive. You’ll find your Dozer trying hard to do things correctly, not because they want to do the right thing, but because they are afraid of disaster if they don’t.

Dozer the Dog kids will have many of these traits:

  • Good team player
  • Caring towards other children
  • Honorable and respectful
  • Prefer to be prepared for any situation
  • Like to do things correctly to avoid disaster if they make a mistake

As a parent of a Dozer the Dog, you can help your child grow socially and emotionally by validating their choices, being understanding of their anxiety, and helping them feel prepared and secure. Encourage small acts of change to help them progress without feeling rushed, such as sitting on the side of the pool rather than enrolling in swim lessons, so they can see other children learning and making mistakes without drowning. Find ways to help them feel secure and prepared, such as enrolling them in self-defense classes, or acting out future anxiety-producing events ahead of time. Be honest about your own mistakes to show them that the world doesn’t end because a mistake was made and your love is not predicated on them being perfect.

Some examples of Dozers include Disney’s Mickey Mouse and Henry Penny in Chicken Little.

Help your Dozer feel seen and loved with some of our Positive Affirmation products such as a wall decal, backpackbaseball cap, and more.

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