Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
7. Heartcuddles Magnetic Mango the Monkey

7. Heartcuddles Magnetic Mango the Monkey

7. Heartcuddles Magnetic Mango the Monkey

Number seven personality style is Mango the Monkey. Mangoes are idealistic children who laugh a lot, enjoy new friends, stimulation, fun experiences, and are generally upbeat and energetic. If you are not a Mango yourself, their energy levels can be exhausting. Mangoes, who get bored easily, try to keep busy in order to avoid their feelings, especially during difficult times. Fearful of conflict, these children do their best to avoid it by using their charm and guile to deflect it. These bright children do not like limits imposed on them and can be excitable with short attention spans. One of their greatest fears is missing out on a fun activity, which can exacerbate their insecurities. These are the children that are always on the go, who can’t sit still, and who talk incessantly, yet they are popular and always looking for the next amusement.

Mango children will show the following personality traits:

  • Possess a wide range of interests
  • Resourceful
  • Charming and charismatic
  • Able to turn work into playtime
  • Intelligent

As a parent, you can help these children grow socially and emotionally by helping them relax and take some down time, using positive words to help them feel secure, showing them ways to calm down when they become too excited, and encouraging their varied interests. Mango children can be very talkative, so active listening is important, as well as redirecting them in a positive way, which will help you get some down time as well. By helping your Mango child learn to express their feelings of fear, rather than allowing fear to direct their actions, they will feel secure within your love. Engage with your child by finding ways to make everyday tasks fun and interesting, teaching them focus while helping them see activities through to completion, and increasing their self-confidence.

Examples of popular characters with Mango the Monkey personality traits are Tigger in the Winnie the Pooh Bear stories and the Nancy Drew series by Edward Stratemeyer.

Help your child feel seen and loved with our Mango the Monkey products such as Kids T-Shirts, Plush Blankets, Sundresses, and more.

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