Cuddles That Nurture The Heart
8. Heartcuddles Large Lux the Lion

8. Heartcuddles Large Lux the Lion

8. Heartcuddles Large Lux the Lion

Number eight personality style is confident Lux the Lion. Lux children tend to be natural leaders who are strong-willed, confident, fearless, and have huge hearts. They are easily spotted on the playground as they’re the child in charge. Their powerful natural leadership skills are on full display and not always in the rule-following way.

With their “in your face personalities,” Lions can’t and won’t be ignored. As a “protective challenger,” a Lion’s desire is to be strong and energetic, and to protect themselves from their fear of being challenged, controlled, or manipulated.

Lions love and fight with equal intensity and with justice in mind. Their security is derived by being in charge and in control because they do not want to be seen as being soft or weak, yet beneath that assertive and abrasive personality lies a softer and more vulnerable side. One minute a Lion is fighting with someone and the next minute they’re standing up for a bully. Because Lions see justice as only black or white, with no gray, they fear injustice as they don’t understand it.

Lux children will show the following personality traits:

  • Early leaders
  • Generous
  • Confident
  • Energetic and Enthusiastic
  • Fearless
  • Kind-hearted
  • Noble
  • Independent

As a parent, you can help Lux children grow socially and emotionally by teaching them ways to control their anger when things don’t go their way. Help them learn to work as a team with other children and introduce them to positive role models. Engage regularly with your child so they can share their vulnerabilities with you and meet their energetic personalities with your own energy. Listen to your Lion child to understand why a fight occurred, while mirroring and validating their frustration, giving you an opportunity to show them a better way to handle their frustration in the future. It’s important to a Lux child that you are open, honest, and straight with them so they trust and feel supported by you and know that you love them just as they are. 

A family pet, if practical for your household, can help with the Lion’s high energy levels while teaching them responsibility.

Examples of Lux the Lions in popular literature are Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and Aslan the Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia.

You can purchase products that feature Lux, such as Kids Leggings, Sticker SheetsMugs, and many more.

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